The first item on the tape is the continuation of the story by Ikirhep from side B of Tape 12. The second (#1) is a story about a trip to the Marianas (Guam) by the navigator Igeoiunman on the canoe Mai Enai from Puluwat (this trip was undertaken in the early 1970’s). The third is a story by Ikirhep about another voyage to Saipan, this by two canoes from Satawal. One canoe was Mai Sugun which made the first voyage in 1970, but the speaker does not remember the name of the second canoe which was made by Epeimwai on Satawal. The two navigators for this voyage were Reppuanglug and Igowit. From personal recollection, we remember that this voyage took place in May, 1973.

Numbers 3 through 7 on side A are all songs by Ikirhep. Side B starts with a
continuation of the song from side A. Number 8 is a chant by Ikirhep (Iumawai ragirh). Number 9 is a story which continues to the end of the tape.

Angelina Nesepailug McCoy
Mike A. McCoy
February, 1989