This tape contains seven songs (iumau) about the navigator Sittouwa, one about the navigator Sappein, and one of the navigator Reppuang. The song about Sappein is sung in the Woleaian dialect of Carolinian. The speaker on the tape is Ineniugman, a woman from Satawal who is probably between the ages of 65 and 70 in 1988.
The songs were very difficult to transcribe, as there is much background noise on the tape and the speaker often does not speak clearly. Words that are not clear or at which we are only guessing are in italics. The words of the song are often followed by the speaker’s comments and explanation. These explanations are set off in parentheses (). In some cases phrases in the song are repeated as the speaker returns to the song from a lengthly explanation.

Angelina Nesepailug McCoy
Mike A. McCoy
August, 1988