Nothern Marianas Humanities Books

Purchase Cultural & Historical Books from the Northern Marianas Humanities Council

Book Cover Title & Author Price
Beyond Distances by Dr. Carlos Madrid $15.00
Edge of Empire by Dr. Dirk Spennemann$15.00
Estoria Hy by Tun Juan Aguon Sanchez $15.00
Luta by Dr. Dirk Spennemann$10.00
Marianas Wide by Dr. Dirk Spennemann$10.00
Micronchildren by Valentine N. Sengebau$10.00
When Cultures Clash by Francis X. Hezel, SJ$10.00
Without a Penny in my Pocket by Marie S.C. Castro$20.00
Rope of Tradition by Lino Olopai$20.00

Purchase information

Please contact us at
Tel: (670) 235-4785/7/9 Fax: (670) 235-4786 and make an appointment to pick-up your purchase from our office located in Springs Plaza, Gualo Rai.

(click image below for directions) 

Our office hours are on Monday to Friday, 8:00A.M. to 5:00P.M. (except holidays)

Check, credit card, and cash transactions are accepted.

Si Yu’os ma’åsi!